Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney – Although the number of serious truck accidents is less than that of passenger vehicles, the number of commercial vehicle accidents resulting in serious injury or death is higher. Due to the size of the tractor-trailer weighing 80,000 kg, the damage caused by the accident is usually severe. Each year approximately 4000 commercial accidents result in loss of life, and more than 73,000 truck accidents result in injuries.

Our experienced 18-year Austin attorneys have been helping Texas families obtain maximum compensation after hit-and-run truck accidents for more than three decades. Put our auto accident team to work for you! Once you hire us, we can analyze the risk.

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Texas has the highest percentage of 18-foot accidents of any state in the country. Additionally, in recently reported cases, there were more than 600 deaths and 14,000 vehicle injuries in Texas in one year. Travis County alone accounted for 17 commercial vehicle accidents and nearly 598 truck accidents last year.

Austin Car Wreck Lawyer

Understanding the 18 common factors in truck accidents in Austin is very helpful in determining liability and seeking compensation. Driver-related factors, such as fatigue, stress, vehicle maintenance, and equipment problems, are often associated with 18 truck accidents in Austin.

Knowing the root causes of these accidents can help you and your attorney build a strong case and get the compensation you deserve.

Driver-related factors can contribute significantly to truck accidents in Austin. Fatigue, for example, is common, as truck drivers are often under pressure to meet unrealistic delivery deadlines, which can lead to hours of service disruption.

Other driver-related factors include distraction, alcohol, and carelessness. Identifying these factors can help your attorney determine whether the driver’s actions contributed to the accident and hold them liable for negligence.

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In addition to driver-related problems, poor vehicle maintenance and equipment-related problems can cause 18-wheeler accidents. Bad brakes, tires, and other mechanical problems can all be contributing factors to truck accidents in Austin.

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Trucking companies have a responsibility to properly maintain their vehicles, and failure to do so can lead to accidents with serious consequences. Some common problems to watch for include:

Trucking companies can share legal liability with their drivers who drive to work. Additionally, trucking companies can be held liable for accidents by not hiring qualified drivers, enforcing safety policies, properly maintaining truck and trailer or components including tires and brakes, and violating safety laws.

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

After a truck accident can be incredibly complicated, involving many aspects, extensive investigations, and a thorough understanding of the law. Handling a truck accident claim can make this complexity more challenging, especially when a car accident is involved.

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Victims benefit greatly from hiring an experienced Austin 18 bicycle accident attorney, as it can pave the way for better outcomes. They have the skills to identify, obtain, evaluate and use the evidence needed to succeed in a case.

Building a strong case requires an experienced attorney who understands the federal and state laws that govern the trucking industry. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes rules and safety regulations that regulate the practices of truck drivers and trucking companies.

If an attorney is aware of these laws, it allows them to use this information to determine whether any laws were violated at the time of the accident, thus strengthening your case.

Given the complex nature of truck accidents involving multiple parties and extensive investigations, the experience of a truck accident attorney is essential to effectively navigating these complexities. They solve many complex problems, such as:

Austin, Tx, Car Accident Lawyer

Our experts can guide you through the insurance claim, medical payment, and settlement process, providing valuable advice and support throughout the case.

Compensation for Austin car accident victims can include monetary and financial damages, helping you recover from your injuries and move on with your life.

Understanding the different types of compensation and how they apply to your situation is critical to getting the right support for your recovery.

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Economic damages include financial losses incurred as a result of an accident, such as medical bills, loss of income, and property damage. These damages can help you pay for significant medical expenses, replace lost wages, and repair or replace damaged property.

The Long Term Effects Of A Texas Car Accident

Working with an experienced attorney can help you accurately calculate and pay these financial damages, ensuring that you receive the compensation you need to recover from your injuries.

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Non-pecuniary damages compensate victims for irreparable damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Calculating these damages can be challenging, but an experienced attorney can help you determine the amount based on the extent of your injuries, the impact on your daily life, and the length of your recovery.

Seeking non-pecuniary damages can be an important part of your compensation package, helping you cope with the emotional and psychological impact of an accident.

Trucking companies known as “truck carriers” are also regulated by the federal Motor Carrier Safety Act, which mandates a minimum level of safety for both truck drivers and trucking companies. These federal standards have been adopted by the state of Texas. These safety regulations provide basic rules for drivers and trucks and include impaired driving, maintenance requirements, hours a truck driver can legally drive, and qualifying truck owners.

Traffic Tips For Austin Newcomers

What to do if you are injured in a commercial vehicle accident near Austin: 1. Call the police or wait for an investigator

If you can speak to the police officer who is investigating the accident, make sure you tell the officer your story. Your only chance to speak to an officer may be at the hospital. Truck drivers are very protective of their professional driver’s license and they often deny liability for accidents.

Police reports can provide evidence, especially in serious injury accidents, because the officer can reconstruct or re-enact the accident. The officer’s opinion may come into evidence or, in the case of a car accident, the facts of the officer’s actions, such as the scene of the accident, debris and signs on the highway, may be admissible. and evidence, circumstantial information. , etc. in testing.

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Use your cell phone to take pictures of the accident scene, the vehicle, and the resting place of your heavy equipment and vehicle. If you can, get photos of the accident scene and any crosswalks or other signs on the highway.

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Some of the strongest evidence can come from independent witnesses to an accident. These are often their relatives who are motorcyclists who were there and witnessed the accident. It is not important to rely on the accident investigation officer to record the names and contact information of witnesses. Many times, authorities are more interested in securing the location than recording independent witnesses.

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If the truck driver talks to you about how the accident happened, it is important that you record these statements either by video on your cell phone or by writing down what the driver said. It could be something as simple as the driver saying, “I didn’t see you. I’m sorry.”

Typically, after an 18-foot crash, survivors are taken to the hospital by ambulance. Commercial vehicle accident victims should follow their physician’s orders to the letter. Don’t “tie up” or miss appointments because your health and happiness could be on the line. Additionally, it is important to understand that emergency rooms are emergency rooms. Most hospitals won’t treat you for non-threatening conditions even if you need surgery. The hospital will refer you to a specialist or your primary care physician for care.

The statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in Austin is two years from the date of the accident.

Federal Regulation Of Truck Companies

It is important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your claim is submitted before the deadline.

Yes, if you were at fault in an accident in Texas, you may be able to recover damages as long as you are more than 50% responsible.

Under Texas law, if you are found to be less than 50 percent at fault for an accident, you may be able to recover compensatory damages. This is called comparative negligence.

Austin Trucking Accident Attorney

Contact an experienced truck accident attorney to evaluate the settlement offer from the insurance company and determine if it is fair.

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It is difficult to determine exactly how long it will take to resolve your truck accident case. However, a professional attorney may consider a time limit based on factors such as the complexity of the case and the insurance company’s willingness to settle.

Yes, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim if a loved one is killed in a truck accident.

Such a claim can help you recover compensation for medical expenses, funeral costs, loss of friendships, emotional trauma, and other damages.

While we

Austin Texas Work Zone Accident Lawyer

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