800 Number For Humana Insurance

800 Number For Humana Insurance – Humana, a leading health insurance provider, has cut down on expensive pre-service calls and enhanced the provider experience with AI interaction.

Humana, one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, offers supplemental Medicare, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and home insurance to more than 13 million clients nationwide.

800 Number For Humana Insurance

800 Number For Humana Insurance

To differentiate themselves from this complex and important issue, healthcare and insurance companies must continue to innovate to improve customer service and retention. Customers expect quick and accurate answers to their questions wherever and whenever they want. Increasingly, employers are being forced to rethink their service offerings to maintain employee expectations.

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Humana’s interactive voice response (IVR) system transfers multiple calls to human agents, costing companies a lot of money and customer satisfaction. Humana was contacted by telephone by administrative staff from the health care provider with questions about the benefits and eligibility for the Humana Member Health Plan. Humana receives more than a million referral calls a month, and many callers leave the IVR system to be sent to an international call center, which Humana charges via the phone. More than 60% of these calls involve specific habits, pre-work questions with well-defined answers.

To meet the expectations of a growing consumer, Humana needs a way to completely rethink the way it goes to customer inquiries. Humana Provider Services Innovation (PSI) is accused of finding solutions that can handle these high-cost pre-calls and improve the provider experience.

This is not the kind of technology you set up and leave. It requires observation, training and observation to gain the correct understanding that can be generated.

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Conversation assistants were not as comprehensive or advanced as they are now when Humana began the journey in 2016, but the company recognizes AI’s deep commitment to customer care. Humana chose to work with Watson®, a leader in the AI ​​industry, and began a partnership with it.

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Data and AI Expert Lab & Learning (DAELL). After 3 months of proof-of-concept (POC), Humana began the development of what became a voice-activated conversation assistant with Watson.

. The solution integrates multiple Watson applications into a single conversation assistant running in Cloud®, while Watson Assistant for voice interaction runs on-premises in Humana.

Humana Voice with Watson provides healthcare managers and providers with a fast, easy-to-use, and flexible way to access pre-employment, medical privileges, consent, authorization, and information transfers without the hassle. Talk to the operator directly. The solution relies on AI to understand the intent of the service provider’s call, determine if they are granted access to the system and member information, and determine how best to provide the requested information.

800 Number For Humana Insurance

Voice Assistant uses advanced speech processing with seven language types and two voice types, each targeting the type of user input collected by Humana. With word processing training, solutions capture an average of 90% -95% of sentence errors and key data entry. This practice addresses a number of sub-objectives in the set of qualifications, benefits, demands, abilities, and greater involvement that allows Humana to answer questions quickly without the need for direct answers. In previous IVR systems, requests for “prices” could lead to a seven-page fax. Watson Solutions can now respond to specific “key” prices, such as “Paying for a chiropractic visit is USD 100”.

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We do it blindly: We did not tell providers that they would be in a new environment because I wanted to understand their reaction so we could change and continue to look at Watson.

The solution began addressing direct calls from healthcare providers in April 2019, with a number of updates throughout the year to expand the service and user base. It can handle queries about a third of the cost of an existing system and has a higher overall response rate – almost twice that of previous automated IVR systems.

During the development process, the Watson Expert Services Lab team mentioned improving Watson services and personal training in a model that could understand healthcare issues in a low-bandwidth call center environment. This resulted in the submission of many pending patents, and the team published tools, guidelines, and methods for building, testing, and debugging large-scale Watson voice assistant solutions. Many of Humana’s voice assistant solutions have recently become standard with the Watson assistant offering for voice chat solutions.

“Humana Voice Assistant has improved self-service capabilities for healthcare providers Humana, allowing them to quickly and accurately access patient insurance information across multiple databases. This can call for a Watson-based solution and complete the quiz in about two minutes without waiting to contact a call center representative. ”We have a level of understanding that we have never had before. First in these relationships, ”says Sara Hines, director of experience and engagement at Humana.

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The solution receives more than 7,000 voice calls from 120 service providers every working day, and feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive. “Humana’s Watson system took three years to develop and continues to grow even after it was completed,” Hines said. “This is just the beginning of how Humana is improving our provider relationship, and I’m excited to continue exploring the unlimited possibilities of artificial intelligence.”

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This document is current as of the date of its first publication and is subject to change at any time. Not all offers in all countries are active.

800 Number For Humana Insurance

For example, all customers are shown or described as examples of how some customers have used the product and the results they can achieve. Environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configuration and conditions. Expected results can not be given because the results of any customer will depend entirely on the systems and services that the customer orders. The information contained in this document is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without warranty of commercial suitability for a particular TNESS utility for any particular purpose. Products are guaranteed according to the terms of the contract from which they were issued.

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